13Friends 35Fans
female AL, United States
Ello luvs, my names emily, im from alabama but trust me, im not a redneck. I love music, my family, my animals, my friends, and meeting new ppl.
[email protected]
15 years ago
Good morning <33
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 1
aww i gotta get off now...laterz (bye)
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 1
goin to bed later (bye)
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago
confused by time zones (unsure)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
lets have some fun, this beat is sick, i wanna take a ride on your disco stick (music)
15 years ago
Kaci just left... (bye)
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago
freezing! The water in the pool was COLD.
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 5
swimming with mom,sister,and kaci:-D
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 2
up unusually early. RAWR.
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
Good nite:-D