babHie cu(^o^)
78Friends 264Fans
female Imus, Philippines
i am being me.. i cant be perfect.. but i am real..

☞ sO simpLe (◕‿◕✿)

☞ makULit (^ _^*)

☞ moOdY (✖╭╮✖)

☞ if you don't like me...too bad! I wasn't put on this earth to make you happy, so get over yourself! --,)

☞ I ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
Once a person gets hurt and moves on, expect that person will never be the same.
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
super init sa pinas gggggggrrrrrrrr
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago 2
gandang hapon :-D
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
When u r away frm the one u love so much distance becomes pain, and waiting becomes a hard task.but have courage your wait will soon be over
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
Even though we don't see each other that often, Those moments when I'm with you .. I never want them to end ..
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
If you failed , just remember you tried !
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
I wish life was a remote. Play the easy times. Pause the good times. Fast forward the bullshit. Rewind the memories. =)
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
the biggest mistakes ppl make in life is worrying what everyone else thinks.
babHie cu(^o^)
13 years ago
Sometimes your best feelings are found in the words which you type and never send...