Why till now you still the same? If I really get to see you I really want to slap you with the harder way I have... Argghhhhhh..............
You need to be replace, have to be replace..
Am I waiting? Been asking myself after my fren asked me the same question.
How do I feel when you didnt reply me at all? I will only know by tomorrow... Hope no feel no more...
Flu + Fever + Working = Die Soon...
the only way to stop dreaming and to stop become so lazy is WAKE UP...
Please stop mgs me and said u miss me. This is jus ur lie. You lie to me so much dont u feel guilty and sorry...?
am I being very cruel? I received 2e-mail from him and 1 mgs from him, but I dint reply at all.
Materialistic + True Love + Miss = Disappointed