Spork Lovers
18Friends 15Fans
female Cloud Nine, Philippines
Maaaaaaaaaw, phbbblt!
Spork Lovers
16 years ago 3
We love to EAT!!!! WUHOO!! eat with us! HAHA
Spork Lovers
16 years ago 5
missed training this morning, because it was at 7 and I thought it was at 9 :-(
Spork Lovers says
16 years ago
sweet dreams, everybodaaay :-)
Spork Lovers
16 years ago 2
Ino: Im gonna eat froot loops. Carla: may each loop remind u of our eternity together. Ino: Cheezy, but I like it. Both: HAHAHAHA
Spork Lovers asks
16 years ago 1
(dance)hello how is everyone?
Spork Lovers was
16 years ago
not forgotten! (dance) I shall go watch my teammates tournament now. And cheer :-D
Spork Lovers is
16 years ago
answering a survey because she has nothing to do.
Spork Lovers thinks
16 years ago
that Jobett forgot to pick her up because he isn't here yet and isn't texting :'-(
Spork Lovers is
16 years ago
up but sleepy! Good morning :-)
Spork Lovers will
16 years ago 3
sleep now, because her boyfriend is playing DOTA (again :'-( ) and will be picked up by Jobett at 7:30am.(: