Claire Brontë
10Friends 3Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Horoscope: Aries
FUN, English, Biology, adventures, friends, talking, reading, listening to music, etc...
The Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice In Wonderland
Claire Brontë says
13 years ago
YEAH we've got the Halloween Party tomorrow! Hope it's good!
Claire Brontë
13 years ago 4
Claire Brontë says
13 years ago
perhaps you dislike the subject Chemistry, but you must be longing for the chemistry... between people!
Claire Brontë says
13 years ago
煩耶 郝市長可能都沒有讀 '淡水河的整治報告' 讀得我這麼認真 我又沒薪水 怪哉
Claire Brontë says
13 years ago
look at me when you speak! I know you're busy and tired. I'm just frustrated :' ( !! I haven't chatted with you properly for 8 months!
Claire Brontë shares
13 years ago
Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)
Claire Brontë shares
13 years ago
上面那行12星座 點進去解析超準
Claire Brontë shares
13 years ago 3 看看囉 我選7906耶 那個人是指誰呢 好奇耶 家人嗎XD
Claire Brontë says
13 years ago
忙死 週五要幫RITA 助選要跳舞 下下週一要交英文演講稿