Fαωn Dεω
151Friends 34Fans
Manchester, CT, United States
I worship Marshmallows
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
aches and discomfort a little more tolerable today, cant regulate my body temp for anything tho
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
so much pain, and fever, everything hurts and my joints are on fire
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 4
So uh, heads up, I guess the pan flag has changed due to the old one being a bit phobic? There's discourse, I'm struggling to find all the details tho? If anyone knows whats up prod me?
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 3
just got my second covid jab, wish me luck on the after effects ! <3
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 5
me watching the pride stuff come out and only ever seeing basic rainbow thats not even the actual rainbow flag colours
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 1
ya ever wake up after a week thats just been a bit to much and know that it's gunna be a whole ass Day of bullshit. Cus thats where I'm at. Overstimulated as heeeeell weeee
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
new.meds kept me awake all night again weeee
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 1
T progress~ I was able to give myself the shot today in the office, the nurse drew it up for me but I did the stabby part
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago 4
So my doctor gave me gabapentin for my 'its probably fibro' since my RA/lyme came back negative. I'm supposed to take it at bedtime... its a sedative... I have ADHD....

anyone else see the problem here?