Mk Velinov
26Friends 0Fans
female Martinsburg, WV, United States
My Blog: Mk Velinov
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
I started using Firestorm a million years ago because a someone who had been in SL for longer than me told me all the ways it was better than the SL viewer. And now there are even more viewer options and I'm lost xD
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
Relay for Life and Being Social Again: Relay For Life and Being Social Again
Mk Velinov
4 years ago 6 Wednesday night, I stumbled on some live music in SL for the first time in years (at fashion fair in support of RFL) and it really made me miss actually participating in things like I used to instead of just playing dress up and taking pictures of my av.
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
Helena and Sofia - Mk Velinov
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
LotD: Leona, you tell him you're through.
LotD: Leona, you tell him you're through.
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
this new lighting system is gonna kill me. I miss the sun position slider 😭
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
Just when I get on a roll with wading back into SL my dog chews up the charge cord for my laptop. 😭
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
"I've been thinking about you..." - LotD LotD: I've been thinking about you...
Mk Velinov
4 years ago
"And Aubrey was her name.." LotD: And Aubrey was her name...