1Friends 5Fans
female Raleigh, NC, United States
I'm an SEO from Raleigh with myriad interests, tastes, and hobbies from all walks of life.
egbert826 is
16 years ago
glad the tree didn't fall on my car as I was driving under it. That would have sucked.
egbert826 thinks
16 years ago
Today is a good day to do absolutely nothing.
egbert826 feels
16 years ago
poopy, but today will be productive! I have spoken!
egbert826 wishes
16 years ago
the cat would stop helping.
egbert826 is
16 years ago
setting up a bowflex.
egbert826 wants
16 years ago
my bed and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Colds suck.
egbert826 is
16 years ago 1
Trying out Plurk. Let's see how this works!