54Friends 58Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Dirge is
15 years ago
preparing for the apocalypse
Dirge says
15 years ago
my arm still hurts after that Tetanus shot.
Dirge has
15 years ago
a shiver in his bones just thinking about the weather
Dirge says
15 years ago
ingat kayo sa Crocs ko, lumutang sa baha
Dirge is
15 years ago
releasing water from the "Marikina Dam"
Dirge says
15 years ago
pahingi spare puppy to replace my drowned dog
Dirge says
15 years ago 3
pahing naman spare puppy to replace my dog
Dirge says
15 years ago
gutom nako lumulutang pero lumulutang na ref sa kusina
Dirge says
15 years ago
What Kind of D&D Character Would You Be? easydamus.com/character....
Dirge is
15 years ago
saving family stuff from the flood