35Friends 12Fans
Second Life, United States
I juggle rabid squirrels and gargle gravel. Sometimes I make things, and snap pictures.
Mot Shark.
Eden Malik
em. shares
9 years ago
My roommate walked into the room and tore a nasty fart. "Dude." "Oh I'm sorry I thought you couldn't smell anything." "...I'M NOT DEAF."
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9 years ago
em. says
9 years ago
Roommate brought home dayquil for me, so in about a half hour I'll feel cracked out. Yay?
em. says
9 years ago
Fever. Runny nose. Stuffed up. Itchy eyes. glares at floorplanSL
em. says
9 years ago
One of my cats just burped and it sounded like a pig snort. He looked as surprised as I was by the sound.
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9 years ago
Listen to the man, Spidey. He's talking a lotta' sense.
em. says
9 years ago
So my birthday's coming up... cough Magic Remote Control – Giftahh – gifts you'll wa...
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
Trying to get an outfit for a photo together this morning and this
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9 years ago 1
This needs to be a bigger thing.