33Friends 12Fans
female bekasi, Indonesia
web : bellayugi.blogspot.com
someone who was born and educated with a wide range of impact which makes itself hard, and do not care, hard, like stone.
but his heart is weak even though many have a mask to hide it.
ebbella benci
15 years ago 1
tapi hrus semangat!!
ebbella rasa
15 years ago
jgn brlarut" dalam masalah ah... capek.. :-)
15 years ago
TERIAK : haLLLLLLLLooo... app kbr smw'a???? (highfive)
ebbella berharap
15 years ago
smw akan bae" ajj.. (dance)
15 years ago
semua ad awal n akhir n ad mksud tjuan'a.. q ykin.. (goodluck)
ebbella berharap
15 years ago
smakin kuad n d' bri yg trbaik lg.. jk ini bkn jln q.. amiiin...
ebbella bilang
15 years ago
hanya tuhanlah yg tau prasaan q saat itu..
ebbella bilang
15 years ago 3
(tears) (tears) (tears)
ebbella bilang
15 years ago
ga ktmu... (tears)
ebbella needs
15 years ago
duiiiiittt... ha..ha... (LOL)