▋I ▋小宋老闆 Karma: 22.90
not stating / other
- 唐人街紙紮店
▋I ▋安特 Karma: 65.81
not stating / other
- Iceland
MEK| Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taiwan
▋I ▋楊琴 Karma: 54.18
- United States
ᴅᴜʟᴜx|彌賽亞 Karma: 75.56
not stating / other
- The City of Dulux (DC), United States
▋I ▋ ᴠᴏᴅɪᴋᴀ Karma: 60.00
not stating / other
- United States
▋I ▋𝓢𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓪 Karma: 71.00
not stating / other
- Russian Federation