ang huling mgcomment CUTE!!!
mga tao gndng aftie...kain n keo huh!!!!<<hapi valentines >><<hapi chinese new year\
gotta go...BB...gudnyt khit umaga n!!!!chat until DAWN !!!!!bye Plurkers and Plurkbuddies!!!!!
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to aLL of u................plurkbuddies and plurkers...
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2nd placer: PAUL JAKE(hausm8 R)- 27.32% 1,044,295 txtvotes....
3rd placer:JASON(hausm8 E)- 24.97% 954,961 txtvotes....
4th placer:JOHAN(hausm8 T)- 7. 94% 303,751 txtvotes....