31Friends 11Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
muhd faris said's ♥
ekahh has
14 years ago
two reports to be finished tonight. yes me likey, NOT!
14 years ago
Dita Von Teese
ekahh has
14 years ago
just reached home! seriously, i spent more than i should, but nevermind (applause)
ekahh hates
15 years ago 1
it when shit happens. hope you're owkay aunt..
ekahh feels
15 years ago
good to laugh in a carefree way again. hell yeah, we crashed her birthday partayyyy! (rock)
15 years ago
going out with my love later (cozy)
15 years ago
full morning classes! 8-9 manu tutorial, 9-10 manu lecture and 10-12 materials practical. and goodluck to those having tests at itb later!
15 years ago
i could feel much better than this on a friday morning, but i am not
15 years ago
off to sleep. kan webcam pun nda kana layan (LOL)
ekahh was
15 years ago
ber-kungfu sama lipas. ewwww!