625Friends 197Fans
male TN, United States
dusty has
16 years ago 7
never liked Sunday nights. :-(
dusty says
16 years ago
A small group of USA fans went to the USA/Cuba soccer game in Havana but they wore masks and asked ESPN to respect their privacy.
dusty is
16 years ago
drinking Raspberry lemonade and listening to Mercury Rev streaming on my last.fm. www.last.fm/user/jimibol...
dusty is
16 years ago 4
getting ready to race go-karts with his friends. Wish me luck!
dusty says
16 years ago
ESPN puts the historic USA vs Cuba World Cup Qualifier game in Havana, Cuba on ESPN Classic. :-( I guess I'll watch another blowout fb game.
dusty is
16 years ago 2
amazed at how some people are so careless with electronics. They are always losing, replacing, breaking devices!
dusty says
16 years ago 2
so in case I want to pursue a career as a superhero, I've found a full body lightweight Kevlar suit, us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.y...
dusty is
16 years ago 6
thinking about buying a Skype Out number and getting one of their monthly plans. It's so cheap!
16 years ago 6
What will your Halloween costume be?
16 years ago 6
The first real hint of autumn is in the air this Saturday. It is time for football, food, and hilarious old Halloween stories.