SHINee - Lucifer. hairstyle mereka lucu2! belah tengah, gundul sebelah, ckckck..
play with accessories, it will upgrade your look #fashiontips
di rumah sakit, namanya ajaib: BEN MARI. berasa di India..
SHINee - Shout Out | berasa di hutan #nowplaying
you don't have to be rich to be stylish. #fashiontips
dear Megawati, you'd better light a candle than complaining about the darkness.
OSPEK bukan saat yang tepat untuk menunjukkan style-mu. ikuti peraturannya, tetap percaya diri. #fashiontips
pakaian polos dengan warna2 basic (hitam, putih, krem, navy) lebih 'tahan pakai', dan aman di mix-and-match. #fashiontips
trend skinny jeans is so last year. cobalah celana berpipa lebar(flare), atau kalau belum siap, pakailah yang slim fit/standar. #fashiontips
"be your self. everyone else is being taken." - Oscar Wilde #fashiontips