3Friends 8Fans
male singapore, Singapore
Fun, jovial and outgoing person, happy going... with the most smallest things in life

Likes doing fyp, riding, driving, laughing playing games and sleeping.

Hates backstabbers, badmouthers, manchester united
15 years ago 3
cck and BP is raining horses and mrinals...
drwicked has
15 years ago
just finished his entire errands compleeteeely!!! ...
drwicked has
15 years ago
so much errands to attend to today... :S
drwicked will
15 years ago
live to see that end !!
15 years ago
busy week before serving sentence...-.-
15 years ago
lazy monday morning...
drwicked feels
15 years ago
that humans have no life at all...
drwicked is
15 years ago
one step closer...
15 years ago
drwicked is
15 years ago
unable to sleep