119Friends 102Fans
male Milford, NH, United States
Happily married geek with three kids and three cats. Between home and work and knitting and web dev and computering, I'm all over the place, but usually anchored here:

dropcase says
14 years ago
bumper sticker in front of me: "I <3 ASS". Stay Classy.
dropcase says
14 years ago 3
Ever have one of those ideas that seem like "I can't believe nobody thought of it?!?" and realized right after that there's a reason?
dropcase is
14 years ago
going to drive home and go to bed, preferably in that order. G'night. *yawn*
dropcase says
14 years ago 1
The original TMNT is on ABC Family... that was 20 years ago?!?
dropcase says
14 years ago
Have a great weekend everyone, and I hope the weather where you are is as nice as it is here...
dropcase shares
14 years ago 5
So glad it's Friday. https://images.plurk.com/380272_bc72295a1f6a12970cf105d8893f29f2.jpg
dropcase wonders
14 years ago
why his post from earlier isn't showing...
dropcase says
14 years ago
Looking forward to getting outta here and drinking some Guinness and Smithwicks, preferably together.
dropcase is
14 years ago 6
sorry for the loooong absence here on Plurk, I seem to have forgotten to put the "social" in social sites. :-o
dropcase says
14 years ago
I'll be figuring this out for a while: makes me think of Myst a little, but in real life