Really enjoyed "A Christmas Carol"!
On what planet is it smart to sit next to a BIG truck in the way of the doors?
At the drive-in w/Ed for his bday tomorrow to see "A Christmas Carol" & "Astro Boy". He had no idea until we pulled in!
Leaving to get the kids from school. Thinking of those in Ft. Hood. My heart breaks for them.
Getting ready to go get the kids. I'm thinking it's a radio day. 98KUPD or 102.5KNIX. Rock or country today?
Heading off to get the kids.
Face washed, teeth brushed, "Castle" on TV & getting under the covers to go to bed.
Leaving to get kiddos from school.
Can't believe it was 5 yrs ago today that Paul & I were married.
Since I have to be up in 5 hrs I'm going to brush my teeth, put "Three Rivers" on & go to bed.