Doug Kyle
10Friends 48Fans
male Edmonton, AB, Canada
Life long learner, free thinker, traveler. Always forward. Now.

Interests Online: social networking, web 2.0, entrepreneurs, leadership, productivity, marketing

Interests Offline: hand drumming, bikes, tattoos, psychology, people, coffee
Doug Kyle
15 years ago
just finished writing cheques for corporate taxes... an interesting combination of "ouch" and "not as bad as I thought"
Doug Kyle
15 years ago
voicemail issues are finally resolved... I think. Good job Rogers (sarcasm)
Doug Kyle
15 years ago
somehow getting a new phone + data plan = no more voice mail... text or email me if I don't answer the phone
Doug Kyle is
15 years ago
having a coffee, exploring a few web2.0 sites and prepping for a project meeting this afternoon
Doug Kyle
15 years ago
Just saw latest Underworld... saving grace of the movie was that I had low expectations walking in.
Doug Kyle
16 years ago
-40C with wind, up to +2C by Monday... I love Edmonton (that's -40F, up to +36F for those still on the old system)
Doug Kyle
16 years ago
Happy New Year! Have fun and be responsible.
Doug Kyle
16 years ago
The holiday spirit rocks! Kiva has just a few loans open at the moment! Changes hourly though: join me
Doug Kyle is
16 years ago
nursing a sprained finger... damn you basketball!
Doug Kyle is
16 years ago
happy for two things. 1) Old friends from out of province don't often visit on a Monday. 2) Other people are watching daily tasks.