I blog about handmade style, sewing, knitting and the beautiful city of Portland oregon at 12ozbeehouse.com I also am the host of a weekly videocast called pick up and purl. You can find show notes and episodes at pickupandpurl.com
HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS EXISTED. www.dwr.com/product/mast... It's my three favorite Chair combined into one by one of my other favorite furniture designer. If i get my bonus while this is on sale it's MINE!
So as into make up as I am, I am clueless when it comes to Bronzer and Blush, I avoid blush like the plague because i always had cheek redness but now that I've cut out the dairy it's all but disagreed.
You sweet adorable amazing knitting community thanks so much for the warm welcome to my podcast! It makes me even more excited to record the next episode!!!