Your money and your wifes money will go to lawyers you might have to sell your house to pay for it .
If it doesn't work unless you are rich your kids probaly won't go to college they won't be able to afford it and neither will you.
Your husband or wife will be with you a long time after your kids are grown . Make your marriage work .
Remember you attract more bees with honey then with vinegar so make a list of flattering things to say . Don't say you are to busy.
Where you are going and not to argue make a list of things you would like to talk about with your wife or husband .
A Movie date dancing and concert a quiet dinner iof you are tired in a nice restraunt don't argue this is you time decide before you go
Enough about the kids oyu need quality family time without the kids . Let grandma babysit go out and have a good time .
I like adult babysitters .It cost but it si worth it not to have to worry about your kids .
Don't leave your kids with teenagers we did the kid took off anf left our house open while he took our kids ot he's parents house .
call and ask if they know anyone who babysits that is how we found the best babysitter we ever had .