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male Malaysia
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
Fuelxell is a real-time world's biggest search engine for discovering what people are talking about on the internet right now.
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
Slightly changes on 060: increase VPUs speed and few IPUs interpreters
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
EXODUS FastKey: F5 (screen ratio), F6 (interlacing), F4 (speed limiter), F2 (save slots), F1 (save state), F3 (load state), ESC (exit)
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
EXODUS will not runs under HLE BIOS (homebrew BIOS). You will need a Real BIOS to get it works.
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
The beauty of dogsbark lobby (>///<) This is da house for my equipments.
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
Ladies, the god damn doggy web is official glad to see ya'll. Please hit this to see what genius is cooking. (>///<)
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
i am cooking something good... "Rino IM" messenger blend with facebook, twitter, plurk, yahoo, gmail, msn, frienbox, and even podcasting...
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
pssst... frienbox has new application added "frienbox Todo List"
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
sorry for the slow on Fuelxell prototype site (
dogsbark_plurk is
13 years ago
"Noozxoide Labs, EIZO-recharge STUDIO" series, let you to reproducing the audio from external input (line-in) into the EIZO Server.