0Friends 6Fans
male Chantilly, VA, United States
djdave says
12 years ago
Intellectual property can be a huge pain. Today, however, it pays.
djdave says
12 years ago
Watching Eurovision. Yes, it's true.
djdave says
12 years ago
Hot and humid. Must be back in DC.
djdave says
12 years ago
Thanks for the great meetings and the great times, UK! Back to DC to recover a bit. UA925 home, and switching phones!
djdave says
12 years ago
Getting started at the Managed Services Convention on Tower Hill today. LevelPlatforms on the channel and mobility.
djdave says
12 years ago
Cab to Coventry, then train to London. Home turf! Perhaps a pint or six today? Maybe Suse and Pete will join? Any takers? :-)
djdave says
12 years ago
Gambled in pounds! A first! Sheila's birthday festivsal continues....
djdave says
12 years ago
Landed in London. Forgot to forward US cell! Doh! Well, dont call me there. :-)
djdave says
12 years ago
Heading to UA922 for London, attending CRN_UK, CompTIAUK, and the MSP event next Tuesday, plus meetings.. oh, and a pint or three.
djdave says
12 years ago
Trying to get everything done before meeting danaepp for dinner and touring and a 9:30am flight to London tomorrow.