new beginning,新春一大早開工的感覺真好~
行政院人事行政局剛剛宣佈:因應天氣終於轉晴, 為了安撫民心提振經濟決定年假再補放9天~
what a suck nite in the dirty basement....一下被說成是像台客,一下被說成像Henry~
準備出門迎接口舌腸胃麻辣卻從頭暖到尾的感受....鼎旺..I'm coming~
"From Paris with love(諜戰巴黎)"was disappointing; "The Book of Eli(奪天書)" is worth mentioning ; "The Hurt Locker(危機倒數)"---my most wanted
himself could talk foolish crap whole nite in the bar actually....完全毫無意義/瞎耗&昨夜
今年過年假的Schedule is night out for one day and rest for one day"一休一"....>"<
so shit scared............I've been fell asleep & snored after drunk dope~