26Friends 14Fans
male Hong Kong
dj_johnnyboy is
15 years ago
knows how to be himslf and no regrets
dj_johnnyboy wonders
15 years ago
what can I do to not feel so sleepy at work?
dj_johnnyboy feels
15 years ago
his cerebrum CPU that is memory loss today...........忙到記憶力衰退..
dj_johnnyboy needs
15 years ago
one convenient/funtional/reasonable price of Ricoh's DC now...
dj_johnnyboy hopes
15 years ago
a brand new start on Feb,2010~
dj_johnnyboy says
15 years ago
thanks to dear All: 謝謝大家的關心, 經過下午決定回去休息補眠後; 雲吞的生產量已經從100~200per hrs減少至每小時30~40per hrs~ >"<
dj_johnnyboy says
15 years ago
Good morning to all and catch a cold last nite.....
dj_johnnyboy says
15 years ago 1
今晚醫院通知鬼門關走一回的強爸recover良好,明天中午即可返家休養~ what a good news for me!!
dj_johnnyboy says
15 years ago 1
It's really appreciates all of friends regards and wishs~ 強爸今日下午已經順轉入一般病房照料,主治大夫交代如果情況復原得宜應該本周末可行出院~
dj_johnnyboy says
15 years ago
tkanks and really appreciates to all of my friends who care abt my dad's illness~