10Friends 9Fans
male Eden Prairie, MN, United States
dizzydj on Twitter
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Hmm... I like annoying people on Facebook... this is funner then I imagined.
dizzydj says
15 years ago
This is going to be fun, because people on Facebook are going to have a list of updates from me...
dizzydj says
15 years ago
For the confused, just go to Ping.FM
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Deadmau5 and Luciano and Tong, oh my!
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Everyone, I am not logging into Facebook to post this. Its being forwarded via Ping.fm
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Radio 1's online player has been overhauled since I last used it. +1
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Just figured out why my audio skipped... the Logitech USB headset isn't good for music!
dizzydj says
15 years ago
Wow, just got an invite for a Seize the Moment event. They are STILL doing those?
dizzydj says
16 years ago
Good night social networks!
dizzydj says
16 years ago
Last track In the mix: 4AM (Adam K and Soha Mix) - Kaskade