75Friends 81Fans
male Second life
I make interactive music things :-)
dizzybanjo shares
15 years ago 1
Alpine Executive Center - Welcome Just did music for this video demonstrating using SL as a business meeting platform for Alpine Exec
dizzybanjo is
15 years ago 1
Off to bed. Attempting a new regime of trying to stay in my timezone. Has failed many times before. Metalag sux.
dizzybanjo feels
15 years ago 4
That sometimes SL can be like a giant emotional maze experiment we make, with us as the mice.
dizzybanjo gives
15 years ago
Plurk a look whilst on the train.
dizzybanjo is
15 years ago 1
watching metaverse week in review here : www.metaverseweekinrevie...
dizzybanjo feels
15 years ago 8
frustrated with grid stability today.. ive been logged out 6 times now
dizzybanjo shares
15 years ago
we20 introduction (high resolution) Question : we20.org is a sort of local G20 - what specific things could we talk about at a SL we20 ?
dizzybanjo feels
15 years ago 2
guilty about using Plurk for so much URL posting.. sorry people !
dizzybanjo shares
15 years ago
Archive podcast of my interview at Music Academy Online inSL is up : Online is.gd/n1ZX iTunes is.gd/n20o
15 years ago
I'm going to be on music academy live in SL here : is.gd/mBRZ at 4PM PDT talking about recent projects