74Friends 16Fans
male United States
Amos shares
12 years ago 1
每8個人就有1人 找不到生命的著力點 希臘神話中的薛西弗斯被懲罰推巨石上山, 21世紀的台灣,一群人像薛西弗斯被工作這顆巨石 壓得喘不過氣,對這群台灣人來說, 工作是宿命, 更是生命意義的全部……
Amos says
12 years ago 1
One question needs to prepare 3 kinds of solution, 3 kinds are enough!
Amos says
12 years ago 1
Some times must waste!
Amos says
12 years ago 1
Some money can't be saved!