I’m not being biased or anything (I totally am being biased) (No, I'm not)
They undeniably took it to another level! Granting they did change some things from the book, I am 100% positive it didn’t disappoint. me
It’s a billion times better than the first one (I loved the first one too, so you get the point) The effects are absolutely brilliant!
Home from Moa! OMG, Percy Jackson was nothing short of amazing!!!
It's 8 in the evening and I just woke up. Tell me, how am I suppose to get a good night of sleep with a sleeping schedule like that? #udont
The most difficult phase in life is not when no one understands you; it's when you don't understand yourself.
"Shouldn’t we hold out for the person who doesn’t just tolerate our little quirks, but actually kinda likes them?"
I am exhausted from all this studying I haven't done.
God bless the people who upload tv shows on the world wide web.