83Friends 67Fans
male Timbuktu, NV, United States
I like world travel, music and books as well as social networks on the Internet.

disneyr says
12 years ago
Number of ppl not in #labor force rises to record 88M~ #Obama Admin emplymnt #'s doctored bit.ly/Hm78Az #Obam2012 #jobs
disneyr says
12 years ago
Futures crash on jobs data. bit.ly/pU4ws2 #tcot #jobs #Obam2012
disneyr says
12 years ago
ping.fm/hEeFq TOON: #Obamacare #TrojanHorse to get #IRS into every aspect of life & society. #tcot #hcr #aca #Obam2012
disneyr says
12 years ago
ping.fm/JU6pF TOON: #Obama, Captain of the Starship Yeswecan, to spend what no man has before! #tcot #Obama2012 #deficit
disneyr says
12 years ago
TOON: #Obamacare Total Control over your life, enforced by #IRS ping.fm/7l0s1 #tcot #ILikeObamacare #aca #hcr
disneyr says
12 years ago
#Obamacare IS unconstitutional. Scary thing is that so many people don't care and want it anyway #tcot #hcr #aca #ILikeObamacare
disneyr says
12 years ago
I thought this was a skit from the comedy show #Community (great show) but I guess they are real ping.fm/HrsOj #tcot
disneyr says
12 years ago
#Obamacare Indiv Mandate is a coerced contract which is illegal to do & nullifies the contract #tcot #Obama2012 #hcr #aca #healthcare
disneyr says
13 years ago
RT RogerHedgecock: Holder in 1995: We have to “brainwash” people against #guns~Hard to change survival instinct hotair.com/archives/2012... #tcot
disneyr says
13 years ago
TOON: #Obama using birth control for political cover from his obvious #failure ping.fm/gbLUH #tcot #WarOnWomen #hcr