175Friends 83Fans
female Wichita, KS, United States
I am a professional educator currently working as an Assistant Superintendent in Haysville, Kansas. I describe myself as an eternal learner.
digross1 shares
15 years ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/3421532_e77344fe88f87183b465fd613de77ac9.jpg -- My handsome devil who is now a pet angel
digross1 is
15 years ago 4
excited that my karma rose above 25. May not seem like much to some of you, but great for me (dance)
digross1 has
15 years ago 1
high hopes for a productive day tomorrow -- exercise, lunch with a friend, writing for book in the works, and reconnecting with old friend.
digross1 is
15 years ago 2
trying to decide if I can get out and mow the yard or if rain will curtail my plans :-))
digross1 says
15 years ago 4
I start my last 3-day weekend for the summer -- It's back to 5-day work weeks on Monday
digross1 hopes
15 years ago
the day gets better. Sleeplessness is no way to operate!
digross1 wonders
15 years ago 1
Who watches these reality TV show? The Bachelorette / It's all about the drama!
digross1 wonders
15 years ago 2
how many districts have open enrollment? What do you see as advantages and/or disadvantages. Haysville has just approved open enrollment.
digross1 wonders
15 years ago
if anyone out there is familiar with the revised Qualified Admissions for the Board of Regents. I need the Condensed Version!
digross1 is
15 years ago 2
excited that this is the last week of 10-hour days--four-day work week :-P