119Friends 212Fans
female Harker Heights, TX, United States
instructional technologist, podcaster, blogger, dreamer, learner, mom, Catholic, wife, daughter, friend, geek - NOT necessarily in this order
digimom on Twitter as well
digimom says
16 years ago 7
¡uʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıdʎʇ ɯ,ı
digimom says
16 years ago 6
I hate finishing a good book...
digimom says
16 years ago 3
Sunday is supposed to be a rest day, no? I shouldn't clean house today.
digimom says
16 years ago 4
Moms? Dads? How was Halloween? Share photos!
digimom is
16 years ago 1
I want to go to bed. Yaaawwnnn.. But too much to do.
digimom is
16 years ago 1
making mummy dogs for the party tomorrow. www.pillsbury.com/Recipe...
digimom says
16 years ago 6
my daughters "hate" each other this morning. I have no idea how to get that word out of dd#1's vocabulary. It's killing me
16 years ago 2
printing last minute for her catechism class!
16 years ago 8
found out our boy kitty is really a girl kitty. When friends gave it to us, they said it was a boy. I never bothered to check. Had it 2 wks!
digimom has
16 years ago 3
to take SIX pets to the vet tomorrow. 1 German Shepherd, two kittens and two ferrets. Pray for me!