119Friends 212Fans
female Harker Heights, TX, United States
instructional technologist, podcaster, blogger, dreamer, learner, mom, Catholic, wife, daughter, friend, geek - NOT necessarily in this order
digimom on Twitter as well
digimom says
16 years ago
it's cleaning day here. whoo. hoo.
digimom says
16 years ago 3
kids are at Mom's. Eating dinner w/ hubby. Won't be plurking tonight. Nudge nudge wink wink
digimom will
16 years ago 1
not gripe at the kids for dilly dallying this morning. They're ready and I'm not. And I'm plurking to make it worse.
digimom says
16 years ago 2
sweet dreams everyone!
digimom is
16 years ago
waiting a few more minutes and then will start Survivor on the DVR.
16 years ago 3
had 8 hrs of sleep last night and I'm still exhausted
digimom was
16 years ago 2
on hold 20 minutes w/ AT&T only to be told they can't help me - their system is down. Greeaaat
digimom wonders
16 years ago 1
if her black cat PURPOSEFULLY sits on black bags, pillow, pants, etc. She is quite the ninja
digimom is
16 years ago 5
sooOoOooO tired. Do I HAFTA go to work? Yaaaawwwwnnnn www.clipartof.com/images...
digimom is
16 years ago 5
going to bed! Podcast is published! Good night!