*Playing PetForest* Cause of boredom!
Good morning! *I only have 9 friends, and 0 fans. Such a loser*
Good evening! *Done practicing piano for my upcoming recital*
Good morning! *I wanna go to Paris*
Good night! *I think I'm going to be a zombie. I always sleep very late every night*
Good afternoon. *I'm running out of money. I want the shoes I saw a while ago while shopping with my mommy dear*
Good evening! *I want the pink heels I saw with him. Oh, I don't want it, I need it! ASAP*
Good morning! *Drinking orange juice while playing with my dearest baby! Gonna have fun later! Teehee. Date date date! Love yah*
Good morning! *Wazzup with the weather? Hot much*