10Friends 10Fans
female Singapore
I am Marv Ellis.
I will marry Joe King.
dhu says
15 years ago
cinnamon meltssssssss.
dhu says
15 years ago 8
plurk. why did you turn boring?
dhu says
15 years ago
boo. hoo. hoo.
dhu says
15 years ago 8
this is not good.
dhu was
15 years ago 4
told that she had to work from 11-2 today but instead she worked from 11-5. WTFUCKSUNDAY.
dhu says
15 years ago
dhu says
15 years ago
work can go and die.
dhu says
15 years ago 6
12345 once i caught a fish alive. 678910 cooked it.... the end.
dhu says
15 years ago 3
i'm not a perfect personnnnnn. i never meant to do those things to youuuuu (old school radio!)
dhu wonders
15 years ago 3
who that crazy boy livin in a crazy void?