Good Noon..

♥♥♥ PLURKers!
Why I don't look out of the window at night - 1% I'm afraid of the dark. The other 99% I'm afraid I might see a face looking at me
I do miss you. But I'm trying not to care anymore
Parent: Who are you texting? Me: thinks of friend parent would approve of
Dear mom, if my friends did jump off a cliff, it's because it was my idea. sincerely, your daughter is a leader not a follower.
Aww that was cute, but you're probably telling her ↷ her ↩ her ↴ her ↙ her ↗ her ↯ her ↳ her ↫ her ↖ her↶ her ↓ her → & her ↺ the same thing
Hi, remember me? You used to smile when you saw me, hug me for no reason, talk to me for no reason & love me for who I am. I miss that.