33Friends 27Fans
female Indonesia
everything is everything
miss you bebiii for always :-)
Rumput thinks
15 years ago
all good things are coming to me today. amin :-)
Rumput thinks
15 years ago
masih terngiang2 cerita AWAN semalem. (rofl) *black bird itu gua bgt sometime* :-))
15 years ago
GOD SPEAK UR (heart) (doh)
Rumput wonders
15 years ago
dmn deh tas Bali2annya, didalamnya terdapat kartu garansi mollykecil. huhuhuh :-( pdhl mau di servis deh.
15 years ago
(unsure)a gift from Florida? accept it or leave it???? (LOL)
Rumput says
15 years ago
dikirimin pulsa 10ribu, lumayan. (dance)
Rumput says
15 years ago
ade gua putus lg sm cewenya. (woot)
Rumput is
15 years ago
I let go of other people's opinion of me and embrace my opinion of myself. I know whats inside me is stronger than anything outside.
Rumput is
15 years ago
sm Mandewa.
Rumput hates
15 years ago
installan bb yg bikin komputer gua LEMODDDDDD. gua remove finally. byee. :-(