13Friends 76Fans
male Berastagi (temporarily), Indonesia
a half-boy-half-man who is still looking who he is.. trying to live his extraordinary life.. trying to get his own fairy tale and his happy-ever-after.. wekekekek, lebay!
dfofana says
14 years ago
The essence of working together is not having knowledge, but willing to share. That's why self-centric people is like a pain in the ass.
dfofana says
14 years ago 1
I'm sorry for swearing a lot for this cold freaking weather in this month. Even hell could freeze too. :-P
dfofana says
14 years ago 1
Plurk for Android.. : p
dfofana says
14 years ago
happy anniversary my beloved high school, SMA 3 Semarang.. Semoga jarak antara popular dan unpopular (kayak gue) ga terlalu jauh lagi. :-P
dfofana says
14 years ago
Mimpi jadi buronan, lari terus dikejar polisi. Damn..bangun bukannya seger malah capek. Artinya apa ya?(unsure)
dfofana says
14 years ago
Ya Allah, lindungi saya dari godaan diskon akhir tahun dan tawaran cicilan 0%, sebagaimanapun menariknya.. :-(
dfofana says
14 years ago
Just wait. Patiently. Faithfully.
dfofana says
14 years ago
"You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can."-- Jimmy Carter
dfofana says
14 years ago
Dance as though none is watching. Love as though never been hurt. Sing as though none can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.-Souza
dfofana says
14 years ago
Musicool; pengganti Freon buat AC anda dari hidrokarbon. Ramah lingkungan, dan jauh lebih hemat listrik karena bentuknya gas. Cobain deh. :-)