6Friends 3Fans
female AB, Canada
12 years ago 38
yaaay tag nirvana. /resists urge to tag any new posts until the next issue comes out
12 years ago 11
I'm sorry, people to whom I owe tags! Canon's been throwing me curveballs left and right characterization-wise, I'm trying to get back into the groove without being sure what the groove really is lol /sob
12 years ago 8
(in which I flail in a spoilery way a bit more about recent developments in Journey Into Mystery)
12 years ago 11
[Journey Into Mystery] hahaha ahahahaha you know how last week I said canon is fucking with how I've been playing my character?
12 years ago
Iiii should probably go to bed. So that I can actually get up tomorrow morning. :-(
12 years ago 25
hey avengers muns, i have a quick and slightly silly question.
12 years ago 11
that awkward moment when your canon may completely Joss the way you've been playing your character
Candy is
12 years ago
Just a heads up for anyone tagging with me - I don't think I'll be able to tag again until Tuesday, possibly? So. Sorry for the delay!
Candy is
12 years ago
Lightning storm, should probably log off :-(
Candy is
12 years ago 8
Soooo this is my (Candy)'s RP-only plurk!