th' delex
92Friends 98Fans
male Singapore
D e l e x !

amatuer part time model.
friendly like no other.
simply loves friends and family.
not forgetting my mickey!
i know you love me too! (:
read my blog regularly alrights!
th' delex says
15 years ago
cousin intended to buy a new wallet from the wallet shop.was kinda bored so i bought myself with one wallet stating "no im not on facebook"
th' delex says
15 years ago
back home with cousin and sister, was at Marina square the whole night. tortured cousin to walked fast! anyhow bought shirt from zara (:
th' delex says
15 years ago
although we it may seems that we're far apart. I can still feel your presence beside me. I'm notorious for my mistakes. I heart you loads!
th' delex says
15 years ago
Omfg. seeing everyones blog makes me ve the urge to open my blog. but it's still under construction. i wanna attend more blogger events! :-)
th' delex says
15 years ago 2
guess i'm gonna run later! anyway why do most people claimed that they feel good after a run. i feel darn tired after my run lor! hah.
th' delex says
15 years ago 4
who have twitter account?!
th' delex says
15 years ago 1
hello everyone! :-)
th' delex says
15 years ago
woohoo just gotten a 99% percent luck in facebook. wonder if its true! i just got beat sister same percent luck! muahaha. MAD awesome! :-)
th' delex says
15 years ago
to think that the someone special would actually treat me the same way i treat that person. turns out otherwise, totally speechless. sad ):
th' delex says
15 years ago
sister plan to go escape theme park next week. But me and cousin thought of going this saturday cause there might be monster! Halloween :-)