8Friends 3Fans
male El Paso, TX, United States
I have been in education for 19 years, not quite 10 years in the classroom, and almost 10 years as an administrator. My love is photography, my forte is technology...!!!
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
21 Reasons Rick Perry's Texas Is a Complete Disaster:
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
This link is for an interactive graphic on the Scale of the Universe:
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
Jay Leno is right! How Fat and Lazy are we getting?
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
The loss of Librarians in Texas
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
Lets remake our schools into prisons -
desizemoe shares
13 years ago 1
Check out the following link:
desizemoe shares
13 years ago
2 different budget loss projections for EPISD: $47.8 million or $26.9 Million. Which one will we get burned on?
desizemoe shares
14 years ago 3
Consider the following statement:Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
desizemoe shares
14 years ago
Originally posted by Kevin Honeycutt: Thinking that testing makes kids smarter, is like thinking getting a physical makes you healthy!
desizemoe shares
14 years ago 2
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." — Isaac Asimov