34Friends 60Fans
male Tranbjerg, Denmark
dennisbp says
16 years ago
According to Woopra I've had visitors from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Nigeria and Chile. No one from China. I guess I'm banned there ;-)
16 years ago
Testing out You can still enter the beta. Use "tastyping" when signing up at
dennisbp says
16 years ago
I can't add two fans because they've set their updates to private, but they keep adding me as a friend. Is this a bug?
dennisbp likes
16 years ago
the new friend/fans look. Much better way to add friends and fans now
dennisbp asks
16 years ago 2
why aren't my friends from twitter added as fans when I import them?
dennisbp thinks
16 years ago
that was a thin and doubtfull penaltykick for Croatia
dennisbp loves
16 years ago
Euro 2008. 2 REAL football matches every day
dennisbp is
16 years ago 1
up too early. 5 hours of sleep isn't enough.
dennisbp says
16 years ago
I just Lego Indy. Hilarious and very addictive. I can haz RL Indy Lego?