151Friends 88Fans
male Kingman, KS, United States
Been involved with education for almost 10 yrs in the tech field. Am a technology director at a school district. Enjoy the nerdy things of life, family, and playing ice hockey.
DennisA says
15 years ago 12
switch to Google Apps for district staff successful. Spending time moving my Google docs over. (gym)
DennisA says
15 years ago 3
work crews are opening up a sidewalk right outside the office with a jackhammer. Sweet!!!
DennisA says
15 years ago 2
getting email in order. Would like to switch to Google Apps this week. We'll see...
DennisA thinks
15 years ago 15
I have done business with CDWG for the last time.
DennisA shares
15 years ago 3
Google Wave - upcoming Google communication and collaboration tool.
DennisA says
15 years ago
I am optimistic that all erate questions are close to being answered and I can move on to something more productive.
DennisA says
15 years ago 4
back from vacation. Got to ease into this home life thing. Will be eating less now for sure.
15 years ago 5
Great vacation but missing Stanley Cup finals.
DennisA says
15 years ago 5
thinking about Roys for lunch again. Can't over do a good thing. (hungry)
DennisA says
15 years ago 13
starting to pack for our trip. We leave Saturday morning. Creeping up on us.