dedhe aljalea
232Friends 91Fans
female Makassar, Indonesia
~ I'm simple
~ jealousy
~ But once understanding
~ Same care and affection of all your friends
~ Sociable
~ Not conceited
~ Easy emotion
~ Love with Korean movies and all the artists
~ Do not like being lied to
~ Love to wear highheels

dedhe aljalea
13 years ago 1
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
minal aidin walfaidzin smua, (haha) telat jd malu
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
kpn nie org lebaran kh??? (worship) (worship)
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
(music) (music) michael bubble
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago 2
ngeeeeeeeeeek ngoooooooook (haha) (haha) (haha)
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago 1
pa kbr para plukers,,, lm tak jumpa smoga smua slalu dlm keadaan sehat :-)) (headspin)
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
betul ni administrasi kas bkin puyeeeeeeng (:
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
sakit peruuuuuuuuuut pagi2, (sick) g enkx deh :-(
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
horeeeeee hbs bertemu my bear (headspin) (headspin)
dedhe aljalea
13 years ago
(music) (music)are u ready or not by shinee + belajar bwt ujian product knowledge