3Friends 12Fans
female Jember, Indonesia
Medical student. Canon-Pachelbel Lover. I love to say that I am ordinary outside, but extra-ordinary inside ;-))
debongbong is
15 years ago
singing "WHAT CAN I DO" just for someone out there (asyiknya pake plurk, ndak bakal ada yg tau saya ngomong aneh2) :-P
debongbong hates
15 years ago
manusia2 sok ambisius. bwekkk.. I wish I wouldn't go to the same "KLP TUTORIAL" with you
debongbong thinks
15 years ago
she is lazy -.-"
debongbong wishes
15 years ago
he will back soon. Misses him. ;-)
debongbong says
15 years ago
thanks to inomy, dian, and stevie for inviting me find "oleh2". :-)
debongbong says
15 years ago
I'm getting bored with this kind of stuff. need rest. I'm restless. ;(
debongbong says
15 years ago 4
kayaknya twitter lebih gampang utk dimengerti, yaw. Tapi bwt gosip (thx to Lely), saya ikut aja deh ;-))