89Friends 131Fans
female Welches, OR, United States
Knitting, spinning and gardening in the Mountains of Oregon.

Blogging about it here:
The Podcast:
debaccuardi says
15 years ago 2
it was a great day in the garden!
debaccuardi says
15 years ago
my whole day canceled on me and now I am picking up the teens from snow boarding--how do these things happen (thinking)
debaccuardi says
15 years ago 5
I'm sick of snow!!!! X-(
debaccuardi says
15 years ago 3
I don't think I'm even going to make it to 9p! maybe a book will keep me awake...nite all (bye)
debaccuardi has
15 years ago 9
just had a terrific day with the family:-) two nephews decided to stay for a couple of days too--happy 16yr olds want to!
debaccuardi has
15 years ago
uploaded a new podcast
debaccuardi is
15 years ago 1
getting a lot done today, even with plurk breaks;-)
debaccuardi is
15 years ago 1
doing tax stuff, but really I want to be knitting;-)
debaccuardi is
15 years ago
ready for bed (bye)
debaccuardi has
15 years ago 3
uploaded a new podcast episode--