96Friends 51Fans
male College Station, TX, United States
PHP Guru, resident Texan, all in one!

My Blog
dcousineau says
16 years ago
these tests today are going to suuuck
dcousineau says
16 years ago 2
note to self, when ordering pizza make sure the online system is sending it to your address, not your GF's (who isn't in town)...
dcousineau hates
16 years ago
computer problems...
dcousineau is
16 years ago
up, but shouldn't be
dcousineau is
16 years ago
getting ready for a trip back home to Tyler to visit my brother for his birthday...
16 years ago
interview in t-minus 4 hours
dcousineau is
16 years ago
happy I'm posting about programming stuff again. I've been in a slump for ideas...
dcousineau says
16 years ago 4
50 minute battle in FF9 trying to steal Demon Mail, meet with utter fail...
dcousineau has
16 years ago 1
new pants for my interview. Probably will be over dress but mreh, I can pimp it up :-D
dcousineau says
16 years ago
woo, love class :-(