The "largest climate disaster in Hawaii's history?" This wasn't a "climate disaster," it was a wildfire in dry grass in the middle of summer on a literal "desert island." A "life zone map" classifies the Lahaina region as "subtropical desert scrubland." In short: it's DRY there!
Hmmm... am I missing Instagram yet? Mostly not, I guess.
boyo Challenge
Today's post is brought to you by the letter Q: Q-Tip O'Neill de Grasse Tyson Chicken Dinner Bell Telephone Tag.
Karma padding. Not that it helps much.
it's Friday! Friday! Ermmm.... so?
Well... I made it thru one week without Instagram. Can I do it again?
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! I suppose I should be watching Shirley “Cha Cha” Muldowney race at the Balboa Drag Strip, but I gotta clean the bathroom, so no.
Friday: can I make it thru another day without #Instagram?