59Friends 16Fans
female Belleville, ON, Canada
~WelCome to mY PrOfiLe~

My rEal nAme WaS ChLoE yew, yOu cAn caLl mE chloe or sophia..!!
I wAs BorN on 22nd oF MaRch YeaR oF 1996.
BeFore yOu Add mE tHereS SomeThinG I sHould RemInd YoU AbouT FirsT i HaTe FaKeS WhO maKes Me BothEr All
chloe shares
13 years ago 1
(music) (music) (dance) (dance) (hungry) (hungry)
chloe shares
13 years ago 2
Tamia - Almost
chloe says
13 years ago 1
" True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. "
chloe says
13 years ago
"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." :-))
chloe says
13 years ago 1
i'm so tired.!! i dont know why.???
chloe says
13 years ago 2
gotta go!! :-)
chloe says
13 years ago 1
"Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need." ♥♥
chloe says
13 years ago 1
A Friends Love says: If you ever need anything,Ill be there.True Love says: Youll never need anything;Ill be there. ♥♥
chloe is
13 years ago
a wonderful girl..... hahah.!!! in my dream.!!!
chloe says
13 years ago 1
.. I'm so tired ...!!!